The events and conditions of the experiment mirrored that of the slave ship in Book of Negroes. The prison gave the prisoners minimal sensory stimulation; there were no clocks, no windows and no connection to the outside world. Similarly, there was very little activity on the slave ship and often the slaves were forced to stay below decks. A sense of oppression was present in the prison at all times; prisoners were forced to constantly have a chain attached to their foot. This also occurred on the slave ship. Rebellions both occurred on the slave ship as well as within the prison. To counter the first rebellion in the experiment, the guards gave certain prisoners privileges to cause distrust and promote solidarity among the prisoners. On the slave ship, Aminata would be beaten when she spoke her native language. This was to prevent alliances and make the slaves/ prisoner easier to manage. In the experiment, the prisoners were strip searched and humiliated and the cells only contained enough room for beds. The prisoners would also have to urinate and defecate in buckets in the cells, sometimes the buckets weren't emptied and the cells would smell like urine and feces. Aminata also went through humiliation and inspections. The living conditions of the slave ship were horrible: people went to the bathroom on the floor and the slaves were forced to live in very cramped conditions, "piled like fish in a bucket, the men were stacked on three levels" (p. 74). Before seeing visitors, the guards cleaned the prisoners and fed them. This is similar to how Aminata was cleaned and made to look healthy before she was sold.
Prominant in both the experiment and the novel was the escalating abuse of the captives. At the beginning of the ship journey, the slaves underwent mild physical abuse. Near the end of the journey, Aminata witnessed the sailors publicly sexually abusing the slaves. At the beginning of the experiment, the guards used very little force on the prisoners. Near the end of the experiment, prison guards would enter cells during the night when they believed the researchers weren't watching. Zimbardo describes that "Their boredom had driven them to ever more pornographic and degrading abuse of the prisoners".
Perhaps the cause of this escalating abuse lied in dehumanization. Dehumanization is describes as to deny the "humanness" of others. It is to deny them of their individuality and human identity. In the prison, the prisoners were forced to wear masks in their prison cells, wear matching gowns and cover their hair with nylon caps. They were to respond only to their ID numbers. These ID numbers had consumed become so much a part of their identity that when the priest visited the prisoners and asked them their names, many responded with their ID numbers. Below is a quote from prisoner 416:
"I began to feel that I was losing my identity, that the person that I called Clay, the person who put me in this place, the person who volunteered to go into this prison -- because it was a prison to me; it still is a prison to me. I don't regard it as an experiment or a simulation because it was a prison run by psychologists instead of run by the state. I began to feel that that identity, the person that I was that had decided to go to prison was distant from me -- was remote until finally I wasn't that, I was 416. I was really my number."
Calling all of the female slaves "Mary" in the novel paralleled the ID number. Another example of this dehumanization was the use of the word "African" for all of the slaves. The slaves also were also not allowed to pray and they were all forced to wear the same clothing. This was denying the slaves of individuality.
Another interesting investigation is what dehumanization does to the people in power. The guards did not see the prisoners as individuals, which made it much easier to abuse them. In normal situations, the guards probably would not be capable of that extent of abuse. In the novel, could the slave traders and sailors do the work they did if they were forced to learn the names of each of the slaves and where they were from? If the slaves were free to practice their religion and express their individuality? The answer is unlikely. Dehumanization played a crucial role in the atrocities that occurred both during the slave trade and the Stanford Prison Experiment.
All information on Stanford Prison Experiment found on the official experiment website:
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