Tuesday 11 March 2014

Writing a Radio-Play

I never realized how difficult it is to write I radio-play.

I am a very visual person, and I imagine scenes in my head only in clips or pictures. I am struggling because I can only use sounds to portray my story.

Our radio-play (mine and Melanie's) was inspired by the music video Creep by Radiohead (it's a classic). In this music video, a woman is listening to music at music machine and Johnny Depp starts listening to the same song beside her. It is evident that she immediately falls in love with him. She spends most of the music video staring at him. When he leaves the music machine, she struggles with herself for a moment and then decides to run after him. When she finally catches up, she doesn't know what to say and there is a really awkward moment between them. The music video ends with her leaving the music store- alone.

We liked the idea of missed opportunities and regret. The internal conflict the woman had was also quite interesting. She simply could not get over her own embarrassment or insecurity to speak with this man whom she feels she has a strong connection to.

The same conflict and themes are brought into our radio-play, yet I didn't make the simple realization  until much later that the music video is purely visual, and some of the parts I really liked simply cannot be translated orally. I feel that this project will improve my writing, and help me become not only a visual person, but an auditory one as well.


  1. I share the same feelings about creating a radio-play. Just debating what story line we were going to write about took a week for me and my partner. Eventually we decided to write a story about how a woman's regret about selling and company secret and blaming it on a friend destroys her, and she commits suicide. We thought it to be a good idea, and would make a good radio-play. But as it turned out, the story was hard to be shown over the little amount of time that we had, and a lot of people didn't understand the story. It is hard to write a radio-play, this assignment made me realize the importance to focus on main topics and that is what i will do when i write other assignments.

  2. I can definitely relate to your feelings about writing your radio play. I always find that I have really good ideas but when it comes down to recording them, they never turn out who I thought they would. The one thing I always enjoyed about projects like these is editing. I find that whenever things didn't turn out like they should have, I could always make up for it in the editing portion of it. I really liked your idea of of missed opportunities, and I have to admit that Creep is one of my favorite songs. I can appreciate the difficulties you experienced as I have gone through them as well.
